Project Number Date
EtherCIS-VEHR-features 0 15 Feb 2018, 20:23

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
Provide VEHR API access via REST calls 12 0 0 0 0 12 2 0 2 10s 749ms Passed
Feature Provide VEHR API access via REST calls
In order to work with openEHR data As a client system I want to make REST API calls over http
6s 517ms
The server is ready, an EHR and a template is in place and the user is logged in.
Given The server is running 3s 918ms
And The client system is logged into a server session 1s 916ms
And The openEHR template prescription.opt for the composition is available to the server 353ms
And An EHR is created 329ms
1s 803ms
Query openEHR data using the Archetype Query Language. openEHR data and an openEHR template that allows validation of the data should exist on the server before it can be queried. openEHR data should be stored under an EHR. The AQL query should be provided as a parameter to the REST API and results should be returned in a form compatible with the AQL results specification.
When A composition is persisted under the EHR 1s 592ms
Then An AQL query should return data from the composition in the EHR 211ms
After QueryWithAqlSteps.cleanUp() 012ms
After CompositionAPISteps.cleanUp() 000ms
After AqlFeaturesSteps.cleanUp() 000ms
2s 111ms
The server is ready, an EHR and a template is in place and the user is logged in.
Given The server is running 1s 954ms
And The client system is logged into a server session 044ms
And The openEHR template prescription.opt for the composition is available to the server 066ms
And An EHR is created 046ms
Same scenario as 'Query openEHR data using AQL over REST' but the server is not provided the ehr identifier for the composition commit. Instead it uses the session Id to find the target ehr id.
When A composition is persisted under the EHR without an EHR identifier 284ms
Then An AQL query should return data from the composition in the EHR 032ms
After QueryWithAqlSteps.cleanUp() 009ms
After CompositionAPISteps.cleanUp() 000ms
After AqlFeaturesSteps.cleanUp() 000ms